Bottari Cologne

29 Jan 2005 - 12 Mar 2005

Kimsooja, Bottari Cologne

In the center of the exhibition hall of the Kewenig Galerie a small Tempo-truck of 1938 is piled up with colorful Bottari by Kimsooja. The Corean artists, who lives in New York, is best known in Germany since her single show at the museum kunst palast at Düsseldorf in 2004. The Bottari, wrapped up used clothes in richly colored traditional Korean bedcovers, play an important role in her work. Their fabric occupies a deeply symbolical position in Korean culture, as actual fil rouge that connects together all the most relevant events of life: it is used to wind newborn babies, to celebrate weddings, to cover the ill and to wrap up the dead.

Installation views

Kimsooja, Bottari CologneKimsooja, Bottari CologneKimsooja, Bottari CologneKimsooja, Bottari Cologne


Cities on the Move - 2727 km Bottari Truck
Bottari - Zocalo. Mexico City
Bottari - Alfa Beach
Bottari Truck


Bottari, 2005
Bottari of used cloth and wrapping cloth
47 x ø 55 cm