Hendrik Krawen
Stadt der Bilder

11 Jun 2011 - 27 Aug 2011

Hendrik Krawen, Stadt der Bilder

Quotes and fragments of urban landscapes in distorted proportions and perspectives create panoramas in front of nearly monochromatic backgrounds. Solely by the density and structure of the paint spatial depth and the mood of different times of day and night are implied. Silhouette-like figures and symbolic elements of architecture and advertising graphics are in apparently cool sobriety woven into city impressions in front of these backgrounds. In their supposedly rational clarity, they seem like frozen snapshots. The motifs that are repeated in model-changing dimensions move the viewer through the deep laid down horizon in the vicinity of their human protagonists, they are lost as anonymous silhouettes in front of their monumental and bloated images.

Installation views

Hendrik Krawen, Stadt der BilderHendrik Krawen, Stadt der BilderHendrik Krawen, Stadt der BilderHendrik Krawen, Stadt der Bilder


Magnetic Chess Set (Vers. III)
Porträts. Teil VIII (diverse)
Riesa, oder: Was mich insperiert
Stadt der Bilder / Am Abend
Stadt der Bilder / Bei Nacht
Stadt der Bilder / Früher Morgen
Stadt der Bilder / Potsdamer Platz
Tor zur Ökonomie

Hendrik Krawen

Stadt der Bilder / Bei Nacht
Stadt der Bilder / Bei Nacht, 2011
Oil on canvas
150 x 300 cm