Frédéric Bruly Bouabré

Frédéric Bruly Bouabré (1923–2014) was an Ivorian poet and visual artist. His distinctive body of work was influenced by a ‘divine intervention’ he experienced in March 1948, as described in his own words: ‘the heavens opened up before my eyes and seven colourful suns described a circle of beauty around their Mother-Sun, I became Cheik Nadro: “He who does not forget”.’ From then on Bouabré started to collect a vast amount of knowledge, researching various fields such as science, literature, religion and philosophy and recording his thoughts in notebooks.


Wono-Kprôko: un paquet-feminin-en Egypte des pyramides pointués, ce monument est tombe-feminine
Sabhla: Pêlo: Commerce: C´est un instrument de musique composée d'une calebasse en filet d'os“
„un oiseau hybride imagé par la peau d´une banane jaunie par la maturité“
„Pépéa-wonon: Dali: femme de fête: le plus beau canari
„Gbahi: Curdents: symbole de sommeil: de songe: de rêve***
Fra: Le peigne-symbole de la caresse-hoafô fra rou-yao: on ne la caresse pas