Pavel Pepperstein
Either – Or

6 Feb 2009 - 11 Apr 2009

Pavel Pepperstein, Either – Or

In his art theoretical writings Pavel Pepperstein often deals with the peculiarities of contemporary art which are posing frequently questions on Russian identity especially since the post-Sowjet era. With his new series of paintings Pavel Pepperstein proclaims the creation of a new representative Russian style. In doing so he combines Suprematism with elements of Pop Art, placing them next to typical Russian symbols or text fragments which are reflexions on topical events of the day: Obama-Hope stands next to a sinking earth, Matrjoschkas fall in the abyss, and a gigantic, American-flagged whale devours the Black Square of Malevich – pictures which shall illustrate the 'love-struggle' between Russia and the Western world.

Installation views

Pavel Pepperstein, Either – OrPavel Pepperstein, Either – OrPavel Pepperstein, Either – OrPavel Pepperstein, Either – OrPavel Pepperstein, Either – Or