Ghada Amer

American artist Ghada Amer, born in 1963 in Egypt, lives and works in New York City. Amer has made a name for herself with multi-layered embroidered depictions of female sexuality on canvas. Closely linked to an aesthetic language reminiscent of specific crafts traditionally associated with women, her works question established power structures and gender stereotypes. In many of her works, Amer makes use of writing, mostly extracted from texts by feminist activists. This also includes the obliteration of women from Western art history. Having experienced an art world dominated by white men ever since her MFA studies, painting and creating her own pictorial language has become an act of rebellion.


The Scarlett Woman
Lady In Purple-RFGA
Remembering the Boogie Woogie
Earthy Kiss
Box With Pink
The Black Sculpture
Portrait en Vert avec Tâche Orange
The Fountain
Mexican Thought with Yellow
Desert Road with a Red Line
Hoy el 70 % de los Pobres en el Mundo Son Mujeres
Coeur Froissé

Ghada Amer

Lady In Purple-RFGA
Lady In Purple-RFGA
Lady In Purple-RFGA
Lady In Purple-RFGA
Lady In Purple-RFGA, 2016
Acrylic, embroidery and gel medium on canvas
106.7 x 127 cm